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Oreoho Journey: Story Version~Girl Scout Cookies Anyone?

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Oreoho Journey: Story Version~Girl Scout Cookies Anyone? Empty Oreoho Journey: Story Version~Girl Scout Cookies Anyone?

Post by Zerifachias Fri Nov 06, 2009 9:08 pm

Basically, I just stole everyone's characters and implemented them here. Emphasis on 'stole.' ^^
There have been some modifications to the character's pokemon.
Chapter One: The Selection

Axel Rowdan, a tall, thick young man, stood in front of a rather large laboratory. He was waiting for his friends, who had promised to go on a trip with him. Or, rather, their first pokemon journey. Axel frowned, in his mind, he hated calling such a trip a 'journey' even though it was. "It's not a trip," He muttered to himself, "It's a...uh...vacation? Sure, let's go with that."

Axel, as said before, is a tall boy for his age, standing high at 6'0. His short, auburn hair fluttered in the breeze as he waited for his friends. Shabby jeans and a messy, closed jacket, Axel slacked in his stature, leaning back on nothing but the air itself. He was more of a "go with the flow" type of person anyway. Danger didn't scare him, he would just rather stay away from it.

"Axel!" Called a more feminine voice to his right. Turning towards the sound, Axel waved towards his very good and close friend, Rose. She bore a smile on her face and a graceful stride marked her steps. Messy blue jeans and an unzipped, brown coat covered a yellow undershirt. Her dazzling green eyes matched her sparkling brown hair perfectly. A fiery light seemed to dance around her whole being, giving Axel a warm feeling of comfort.

The two kids knew each other for a long time, there was no way they'd stop being friends. Which meant that Rose would be accompanying Axel on his 'vacation.' When Rose stopped in front of Axel, they began talking animatedly about the upcoming adventure whilst waiting for their other friends.

"Axel! Selena!" A familiar voiced called, and Rose twirled around, glaring at their friend, Tyson.

"I thought I told you to call me Rose, Ty!" She growled, "Do you want to get hurt?"

Tyson scratched the back of his head with a sheepish grin. He was taller than even Axel, but that wasn't a surprise, considering his age was 18, and Axel was only 16. Rose was in between the two of them at 17 years of age. Nonetheless, they all had a strong tie to each other. Other than his age, Tyson wore a silk scarf over a long, tan jacket with a white undershirt and blue jeans. His jeans were much neater than Rose's own, however. Tyson's deep blue eyes showed compassion at all times, he never once got angry at anything, a rather odd trait for one so old.

"Sorry, Se-" Another growl interrupted Tyson in mid-sentence. Tyson swallowed and tried to speak again, "My apologies Rose...please don't get angry at me."

"Just don't do it again," Rose replied, content with his apology, allowing herself to relax.

"Will is late." A dark voice quietly spoke from behind the group. The group, surprisingly, didn't jump at the sudden noise made by yet another one of their friends, Pat Cinder. He nodded at the three of them, his way of saying 'hello.'

"Pat, good to see your pessimism again," Axel said, nodding back at him, Rose and Tyson looked at each other and snickered. Pat simply rolled his eyes at the trio.

Pat Cinder grew up in a harsh family, his own father put him through rigorous training, trying to carve the very essence of battle deep into Pat's soul. What actually happened was Pat becoming a pessimistic fellow. He wore all black, even his hair was dyed black. Overall, he was a sort of mysterious person, but the others knew him well enough.

"Will is late," Pat repeated, causing a few sighs and head nods. Rose crouched down and started fingering the grass, becoming impatient. Pat took one or two steps back, he hated being overly close to people. Actually, he would rather not be near people at all, but Pat knew he could trust the others, so he never ran from them.

"Hey you four!" An assistant professor had come out of the laboratory, and was now calling to them, "Professor Willow is ready for you all...where's Will?"

"Late." The four of them said in unison. The assistant paused for a second, then shook his head and headed back inside. The group of misfits followed the assistant and finally entered the laboratory.

Professor Willow was facing a table she had set up, placing down red and white balls, Pokeballs, on the table. There were quite a few of them, and all of them had a picture of the pokemon inside behind the ball. She turned around just in time to see the group of four walk up to her and stop. Willow smiled at the four and stepped away from the table.

"Welcome, Axel, Rose, Tyson, and Pat. I suppose you all are ready to pick your partner? And Will is...late again? He really must stop doing this," The professor mused, trailing off. "Anyway, these pokemon have been hand picked by the Pokemon League itself, declaring them the most suitable first-pokemon for any new trainer. However, I have added a few more pokemon that I think deserve to be picked. Well, go ahead then, pick and choose."

"Me first I guess." Axel said, stepping up to the table.

"Second!" Rose called, raising her left hand and giving a little jump.

"Third is fine," Tyson said with a shrug, Pat remained quiet, and instead, walked up to the table, picking up a pokeball, and walking away without a word. Axel growled and started to shout at Pat, who had already left the building.

Rose looked at the label that was above the pokeball and simply smiled, "I knew it." She whispered to herself, jumping back behind Axel before he had a chance to see her.

Axel muttered a few profanities before turning back towards the table. He scanned the pictures for what seemed like hours, unable to make up his mind. Rose began tapping her foot in irritation, getting tired of Axel's indecision.

Finally, Axel picked up a pokeball with a picture of a Cranidos with a smile on his face. "I'll chose this one Professor." He said, taking a few steps back, allowing Rose to step up.

"Okay, here we go." Rose said with a deep breath, browsing through the pictures, hovering more over the grass-types than the others. She picked up a pokeball labeled "Chikorita" with a smile, and backed off as Tyson simply snatched up a "Togepi" pokeball without any consideration at all. He must have really liked the look of the pokemon.

"Okay, now that you all have your pokemon," Professor Willow spoke, "Here is your-"

BAM! A kid had run through the lab doors and tripped, landing on his face and sliding into a group of seemingly expensive materials. The boy groaned in pain as Willow sighed, thrusting devices called 'pokedex' into the youths' hands. The group of three, seeing as Pat already left, took the valuable devices and exited the lab, ignoring the poor boy getting chewed out by Professor Willow.

More coming later! Much later~ ^^

Last edited by Zeri~Zeri on Sun Jan 03, 2010 1:18 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Oreoho Journey: Story Version~Girl Scout Cookies Anyone? Empty Re: Oreoho Journey: Story Version~Girl Scout Cookies Anyone?

Post by Dwaggy Sama~ Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:32 am

Looks good so far ~
I think its better than mine, XD.
Dwaggy Sama~
Dwaggy Sama~
Void Sleeper
Void Sleeper

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Oreoho Journey: Story Version~Girl Scout Cookies Anyone? Empty Re: Oreoho Journey: Story Version~Girl Scout Cookies Anyone?

Post by Zerifachias Sat Nov 07, 2009 2:26 pm

Thanks. ^^

Chapter 2: Moving out on Route 1

Rose flew down the stone steps of the laboratory to the courtyard, both hands clutching the precious pokeball she had obtained from Professor Willow. With a giddy excitement, she threw the pokeball into the air, allowing the pokemon inside to burst out in a flash of white light.

A small, green pokemon stood in front of the girl, yawning and waving it's large leaf around it's head lazily. A sweet aroma wafted from the leaf and tickled Rose's nose, to which she happily breathed in contentedly. The pokemon, known as a Chikorita, turned around and looked up at Rose, a confused look on it's face.

Rose knelt down so she could be at eye level with the grass-type. She held out her hand towards it, which was filled with food. The Chikorita approached cautiously, eying Rose the entire time, who just sat patiently and smiled. The Chikorita took a piece of the food offered and gulped it down happily. It then lunged forward and began chowing down of the food.

"Wow, when's the last time they fed you?" Rose giggled. She pulled out her brand spanking new pokedex and scanned the pokemon in front of her, discovering a few interesting characteristics, including the fact that the Chikorita was female. Rose put the device away and smiled at the pokemon, "Hi Chikorita, my name's Rose. I chose you to be my partner, I hope we can be friends."

"A grass type?" A dark voice asked. Rose looked up at Pat, who had a sleeping tan and blue pokemon on his shoulder. Rose shrugged at him and returned her attention to Chikorita.

"You got a fire type? That is so like you, you know." Axel said, walking up to the two of them. Rose stood up to greet him when she saw that he had also released his own pokemon, the rock-type, Cranidos.

"You got a rock type, that fits perfectly with your rock-hard stubborn attitude." Rose teased, causing Axel to grin sheepishly at them.

"Normal types are the way to go guys." Tyson said, approaching with his Togepi trailing behind him.

"It kinda looks like an egg." Axel commented.

"That's because it is, Axel." Rose said, rolling her eyes, "Togepi still have most of their shell until they evolve into Togetic. Their bodies are still developing." She explained.

"ARGH!" Someone shouted, bursting out of the laboratory doors, his arms flailing around in the air in a panic-stricken moment. A blue pokemon was latched onto his rear, chomping down hard. The boy continued to scream, then headed over to the group. "Help me mates! I can't get 'im off'er me!"

Chikorita whipped out a vine and lazily slapped the blue pokemon, causing him to unlatch himself and rub the now bruised spot, giving Chikorita a look of detest. The boy fell to the ground, gasping for breath. "Thank ye, Tha coulda been dangerous. Me hindquarters took quite a beating." The boy said, adopting his usual accent.

"No problem Will." Rose said with a sigh, "It takes all of my being to prevent you from loosing all your 'manly' pride. But there are some things that are out of my control," Rose stuttered, blushing slightly. The others began to snicker when they realized what she was getting at. Will, however, looked confused. Rose shook her head and coughed, pointing at his rear.

"ARGH! Me under garments be showin'!" Will jumped up in a frenzy, and shot back to his house, Axel and Tyson roaring with laughter. Rose shook her head, still blushing from the unpleasant view she had received, and Pat just sighed, muttering to himself.

When Will returned, his pants fixed, the group headed towards the exit, eager to go on their journey. But, as if a push of fate forced them along, Axel, without knowing, walked straight into a Beedrill's nest for the second time this week. With a shout of surprise, the group ran away from the angry bees, who were determined to poke their eyes out.

Okay, there wasn't any violence this chapter, but oh well. Razz

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Oreoho Journey: Story Version~Girl Scout Cookies Anyone? Empty Re: Oreoho Journey: Story Version~Girl Scout Cookies Anyone?

Post by Zerifachias Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:54 am

Nyah! Chapter 3! Time to spice it up a bit!
LOOK! A distraction! Arrow
Hi. :3

Chapter 3: Rose's First Catch

After the horrible attack of the killer Beedrill, the group slowly made their way along Route 1 in order to reach the next town called Emerald town. In Emerald town, their first gym would put them to the test. Of course, two members had no inclination to fight through the gyms, and instead, wanted to perform in contests.

There are three ways a trainer can excel and become renowned. Those categories are dubbed as: Trainer, Coordinator, and Breeder. Trainers battled their way through the Gym Leader League in order to earn a spot in the Oreoho Plateau. At the Oreoho Plateau, trainers go up against each other in order to earn the right to challenge the Elite Four. When one goes up against the Elite Four, they must take them all out in order to challenge the champion, and if they lose to one, their Elite Four challenge starts over. In order to get to the Oreoho Plateau, a trainer must obtain the 8 gym badges from each gym leader.

Coordinators enter in contests around the region, aiming to get 5 ribbons so they can take part in the Grand Festival. In contests, coordinators work to show off their pokemon in the first rounds, called an appeal round. From the appeal, a group of 8 coordinators are chosen to go to the second round, the battles round. In the battles round, coordinators work together with their pokemon to defeat their opponent, while at the same time, making sure they show their pokemon's appealing side. The Grand Festival works no differently from ordinary contests.

Breeders wish to become experts of pokemon, to know what every different pokemon likes according to species. They work hard to learn more about pokemon and how to care for them. These rare breed of trainers have become respected in the Oreoho region, as well as all the others.


"Look!" Rose called, pointing out in front of the group. The four others looked up to where she was pointing, but seeing nothing. Confused, they looked back at her. Rose groaned, then ran in front of the group, pointing up now. They followed her finger to see a rather odd sight. A purple pokemon was up in a tree, stuffing it's face with berries. It had a long, hand-like appendage for a tail that was snatching berries from the tree.

Rose grinned, "I call dibs!"

"Jeez Rose, the first pokemon you see you want to catch?" Tyson shook his head, "That is just like you." Rose just giggled with glee.

"Chikorita, you ready?" Rose asked her little green partner, who shook her head up an down. Chikorita jumped up into the air, flipping forward, sending out tiny spinning leaves from the large leaf on her head. "Razor Leaf! Awesome!" Rose said with a grin.

The pokemon in the tree noticed it was being attacked, and jumped up and out of the way. Turning around, the pokemon revealed it's grinning face, looking for it's attacker. It's eyes rested on Chikorita, and in a flash, the pokemon lunged at incredible speeds towards the surprised pokemon.

The tail started to glow a purple color, and the pokemon smacked Chikorita's face with it, causing her to slide away, wincing from pain. "Chikorita! Vine Whip, let's go!" Chikorita righted herself, then shot out a pair of vines at the quick pokemon.

"Aipom!" The pokemon cried, jumping out of the way, attempting to escape. Apparently, it had never gone up against a Vine Whip before, so eventually, the poor pokemon was caught, trapped by the vines.

"Rub that smirk off of that pokemon's face! Sleep Powder!" Rose ordered, and Chikorita obeyed, waving her large leaf at the defenseless pokemon. As soon as the pokemon, identified as an Aipom by Axel's pokedex, breathed the poisonous powder, it fell limp, sleeping soundly. Rose pulled out a pokeball and tossed it casually at the defenseless pokemon.

One, two, three. The pokeball struggled for three seconds, before filling the silent forest with a vibrant 'click.'

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Oreoho Journey: Story Version~Girl Scout Cookies Anyone? Empty Re: Oreoho Journey: Story Version~Girl Scout Cookies Anyone?

Post by Luminous Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:49 am

You are epic Zeri! x3
I really need to talk to you about Oreoho anyways.
PM much?
Siesta Master

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